Beloved Family,
We are happy to greet you for such an occasion as this and pray that all is well with you and your family. House of Judah, here in Evans, GA has been commissioned by God to extend the opportunity to you that is sure to provoke a harvest in your life. Yes, this is a prophetic decree.
Here at House of Judah in Evans, GA we are experiencing a move of God that the body of Christ has longed for so many years, the gift of healing and restoration in our natural bodies. Dr. Gregory Israel Gunn our Apostle and Shepherd has heard from the Lord and is obeying the voice of God by sharing what God has given him to bring health and healing to the body of Christ.
Dr. Gunn has devoted most of his life to the cause and has received a over flow of testimonies of healing and people being restored all over the world for the last 12 years Although, this is such a major stride God is taking the vision to another level and we have to shift with the move of God.
Dr. Gunn is listening and obeying the voice of God concerning each herbal product that he creates and because God is in it the increase is evident. Therefore, the demand on what God has given him is greater. Dr. Gunn has devoted his personal earnings to provide the herbal healing medicine to those who are in desperate need for it. So now the need is greater and in a higher demand. The word of God says in Luke 12:48 “To whom much is given, much is required”.
We watch him day in and day out labor in prayer for the herbs and seek God for instruction on what to do next to help his people. He realizes that there is a need and he stops at nothing to ensure the product is sent out and consecrated for what God created it to do. So here we are now and we cannot grow weary and we cannot stop.
House of Judah, wants you to grow with us and create a Kingdom chain that reaches across the land of healing and restoration to the people of God. So now we have a need for a larger distribution center to meet the needs and demands of the people calling in day and night. We want the product to get out a soon as possible so we need the space for production and packaging. We also have calls from our sisters and brothers in Christ who call in without funds to purchase what they need and we have sown and continue to sow into each person that has reached out to us with this dilemma. We do not want “one” to be left behind. We need your help! Will you be a link in the chain to continue the crusade of disease reversal in the land? Become a monthly Partner and be a part of a Kingdom agenda and help us get what God has given Dr. Gunn all over the World.
We are taking back our Health! We are taking back our families! We possess the healing that was already given to us on cavalries cross. But we know that God does nothing in the earth unless he uses a man. Dr. Gunn has given and devoted his life that others may live healthy and whole. Who would not want to be a part of that? Remember “what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. See the partnership agreement below and choose a pledge level that God has laid on your heart to commit to. We also welcome donations, we know that everything given puts us one step closer.
When you sign up as a monthly partner you will receive Dr. Gunn’s Best Seller book called “Temple Cleanse”, which is a book that talks about alkaline in the body and to bring the body in to optimal health. As God has designed it when the body is rich in alkaline “NO DISEASE” can live in it! Free indeed!
Monthly seed amount: $150.00 – click here
Monthly seed amount: $75.00 – click here
Monthly seed amount: $50.00 – click here
For more information please fill out the form below.